
New In That Place Seems To Hold Out A Misconception Nearly A Shortage Of 23 Window Vw Buses... In That Place Won't Hold Out Whatever Shortage. Accept You Lot Seen How Many They're Edifice Replicas Of, At Yumos?

Yumos VW, Semarang Republic of Indonesia has a crew of 30, together with exports 90% of their finished vans. They brand the vans from novel parts, one-time eleven window vans, together with a hell of a lot of work.

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They accept one-time Brazilian 10 windows, add together a novel aftermarket olfactory organ clip, etc etc is what I conk from reading roughly the internet.

As best equally Google tin translate:

Yudi makes VW type Combi Brazil into VW type Dakota.

Brazilian combos are rarely glimpsed because the cost of re-assembling amongst a selling toll is non comparable. The shape is besides considered less unique. Different eg amongst German linguistic communication Combi. Yudi prefers Brazilian Combi purchasing cost of Rp twenty million, Rp threescore meg for the revamp cost. No buyer would pay that much for a Brazilian Combi.

"VW Brazil ngeding, I bought from the owner. His status was ruined, at that spot was no engine, alone skeletal left. The concept of recycling is made into a dakota, "said the human being who crossed the globe overseas thank yous to VW.

"I elbow grease to honor a gap opportunities yesteryear making a basic clone. Take a Brazilian Combi that looks the same. Just alter the front end shape. Moreover Brazilian Combi population a lot, the status is destroyed together with the owners exercise non intend to gear upwards it again, "said Yudi.

Watsh this video to conk a quick tour roughly their shop https://www.facebook.com/ISRmechanic/videos/2019335321650736/


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