
New 1949 - The Halt Of The Indian Together With Vincent Motorbike Companies... Only I Didn't Know Until Reading This, That Indian Killed Vincent Similar A Drowning Human Being Pulls A Lifeguard Under.

The twelvemonth 1949, the Indian Motocycle Company, beleaguered on several fronts, was circling the drain generally (entirely) due to finances.

The president of Indian was envisioning the hereafter of motorcycling, as well as realized it belonged to lightweights, similar the Japanese manufacturers would confirm inward a few curt years. Getting lightweight Indians into the marketplace would give Indian an payoff over the British bikes (due to import fees)

His Torque series motorcycles were half dozen months delayed leading to a loss of income, summation the manufacturing costs were double the estimated costs, as well as the deathstroke was the British currency getting devalued

Indian invited the Vincent Company to catch as well as the 2 companionship presidents devised a concept to produce a blend of the Indian Chief as well as the Vincent motorcycles. The compromise would accept helped Indian alongside a modernization of the venerable Indian Chief alongside less investment funds, as well as also would accept helped the Vincent past times supplying engines.

 The innovation entailed 2 prototypes; i would hold upward a Chief alongside a Vincent engine installed as well as the minute would hold upward a criterion Vincent Rapide customized alongside Indian parts recognizable to the Indian faithful. The proposal would provide l units of the old prototype, the Vindian, per calendar week as well as the delivery of xx units per calendar week of the latter prototype, the Indian-Vincent.

Well Indian never followed through on the plan, leading Vincent to move inward into receivership due to purchasing materials for the concern innovation that would never happen.

Vincent engineer, Phil Irving took on the projection of the Indian as well as Vincent combinations. He completed the Vindian projection inside a calendar month of difficult work, plumbing equipment the engine from a Vincent Rapide into the 1948 Chief.

The wheel was route tested as well as next the necessary photograph sessions, the projection was dismantled, the Indian position dorsum together as well as returned to the U.S.A. The minute projection entailed the blending of Indian parts to a 1949 Vincent Series C touring Rapide. The Indian-Vincent wore a Delco generator as well as regulator, a 1940 vogue fender light, a stock Indian tail lite as well as headlight, an Indian ignition/lighting switch, stoplight switch, dimmer switch as well as horn. This paradigm used a later on leave of absence shape boot starter comprehend as well as timing comprehend which had Vincent on the comprehend instead of H.R.D.

The president of Indian resigned due to mounting internal pressures, as well as inward December, Phil Irving also retired from Vincent. Irving was presented alongside the Indian-Vincent, at i time stripped of its Indian parts which he mounted his Blacknell sidecar total of this tools as well as moved to Australia.

 Irving rode the "Vincent" until 1953 when he traded it for a Vauxhall Wyvern sedan. Then the Vincent disappeared until 2001. It came into the hands of the electrical flow possessor who started to recognize that for sure parts weren't right when he learned the truthful history of this really particular motorcycle. Pieces of the motorbike which had been modified for the plumbing equipment of Indian parts nevertheless remained, as well as correspondence alongside Phil Vincent's son-in-law confirmed that his Vincent was the actual paradigm for the Indian-Vincent. Special stampings as well as the series numbers were vindicated inward this research.

The possessor had to produce upward one's heed how to restore this relic of a motorcycle. Should it hold upward returned equally a Vincent as well as acquire unrecognized amid other Vincents, or should it hold upward restored equally the iconic projection betwixt 2 dandy motorbike companies? Luckily its history has been preserved equally the Indian-Vincent won out.


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